5G Kit

5G NR Wireless Communications Kit: ebook and white paper

Συμπληρώστε τα στοιχεία σας στη φόρμα δεξιά για το ebook με τίτλο "5G New Radio Design with MATLAB". Αποθηκεύστε το link για να έχετε πρόσβαση όποτε θέλετε.

Engineers are using MATLAB® and Simulink® to develop products that implement the new 5G New Radio (NR) specification.

Learn how you can accelerate 5G NR development tasks such as optimizing 5G physical layer algorithms and link-level performance, simulating RF and antenna designs, and system verification with hardware prototypes and over-the-air tests.

This practical guide covers:

  • Section 1: Technology and Design
    Get an introduction to the 5G physical layer and RF techniques you can use to optimize spectrum efficiency and data rates.
  • Section 2: New Architectures and Algorithms
    Learn about techniques such as hybrid beamforming, linearizing power amplifiers, new radio waveforms, and polar codes and LDPC channel coding.
  • Section 3: Accelerating Prototypes and Field Trials
    See the steps to convert MATLAB reference algorithms to automatically generate HDL code. Read case studies on how Huawei and Ericsson are using these methods.
  • Section 4: System Verification and Testing
    Learn how you can use MATLAB to perform over-the-air tests with software-defined radios and RF instruments, and to postprocess, analyze, and visualize large amounts of test data.

Download the ebook to get started.



Επίσης μπορείτε να κατεβάσετε το white paper με τίτλο "Deploying 5G NR Wireless Communications on FPGAs: A Complete MATLAB & Simulink Workflow".

Designing innovative wireless communication devices requires close collaboration across multiple disciplines. Deploying algorithmic models to FPGA hardware enables rapid prototyping and over-the-air testing, and automatically generating HDL code directly from system-level algorithms eliminates time-consuming steps in implementation and verification. 

Using a 5G NR Cell Search design to illustrate the process, this white paper describes the workflow for converting MATLAB® algorithms and Simulink® models directly to HDL for FPGAs.

Topics include:

  • 5G NR standard-compliant algorithmic modeling with MATLAB and LTE Toolbox™
  • Transitioning from a frame-based MATLAB algorithm to a streaming Simulink implementation
  • Fixed-point implementation using Fixed-Point Designer™ and target hardware knowledge
  • Speeding design by using proven intellectual property (IP) blocks
  • Generating HDL and deploying on target hardware, in this case a Xilinx® Zynq® device


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